Customer Success Team

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Team members


Grow and retain customers who fit our Ideal Customer Persona.


  • Own initial inbound contact requests from the website
  • Deliver compelling product demonstrations
  • Assist users in getting up and running with the product, introducing the right PostHog people at the right time
  • Make it easy to become a paying customer
  • Ensure long term success with PostHog

Q4 2023 Goals

  • Objective: Set ourselves up for a focused and proactive 2024 and beyond
  • Goals
    • Have quantitative data on our sales pipeline, from initial contact to close
      • Helps us understand where to optimize
    • 50% demo to paid conversion rate
      • When we speak to prospective customers, it should be meaningful and move them towards becoming paying customers
    • Use ICP + Product + Website usage data to personalise outreach to $20k product-led sign-ups
      • Personalized outreach will lead to higher conversions
    • 2 new multi-product case studies from large customers
      • Helping us get inbound interest from bigger logos
    • Establish and execute a process for talking with every $20k ARR customer once per quarter
      • If we talk to customers, we can ensure they are getting the most value possible out of PostHog
    • Establish and execute a process for tracking health all of our $20k ARR customers
      • We can be proactive in assisting with adoption issues before customers churn
    • All high priority customer tickets get a response and team assignment within 1 business day
      • We can ensure delight by keeping customers unblocked when using PostHog


Primarily brand new and existing users of our self-serve product

Output metrics

  • Revenue through conversion of high quality free sign-ups to paid
  • Existing customer retention


Be customer obsessed

People contact us because they have a problem that they need help with. Spend time understanding why they are talking to us and align all of your work with that. Regularly check in with yourself and the customer and ask whether you are helping them to solve their problem.

Go at the speed of the customer. If they want to move fast, we move fast. If they want to take their time, be ready for them when they need us.

Connect with Product

Customer feedback is a key part of our Product strategy. Ensure that your customer needs are represented back into our Product team.

Understand the roadmap and get customers excited about what's new and coming soon.

Be an expert

First and foremost, you should have a deep understanding of how our product is used by customers and how it benefits them. A deep level of expertise will allow you to share knowledge and insights which perhaps the customer had not yet considered. This will strengthen the adoption and trust the customer has in PostHog and our team.

Tell a story

Compelling product demonstrations aren't about features; they tell the story of how a product solves a problem or pain.

Slack channel


What we're building

Check out the company roadmap to see what we're working on next!


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Customer support

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